Bad Parenting immerses players in a suspenseful narrative centered around the mysterious figure of Mr. Red Face, a character fabricated by parents as a seemingly benign guardian who rewards well-behaved children. However, as players delve deeper into the game, they discover a more sinister side to this folklore. The game unfolds through the eyes of Ron, a young boy who gradually uncovers the distressing impact Mr. Red Face has on his family. Each late-night visit from this enigmatic character brings gifts, and an unsettling presence that hints at deeper horrors.
Set over the course of approximately 20 minutes, Bad Parenting offers a compact yet intense gameplay experience. The game employs simple controls, with WASD for movement, E or LMB for interactions, and LSHIFT for sprinting, making it accessible to a broad audience. Despite its brief duration, the game crafts a compelling story that escalates quickly, pulling players into Ron’s tense encounters with Mr. Red Face. The inclusion of multiple language options, including Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, Serbian, Arabic, and more, ensures that players from various backgrounds can enjoy the game in their native tongue, enhancing its global appeal.
As the narrative progresses, players must navigate through Ron’s darkened home, solving puzzles and uncovering clues that reveal the true nature of Mr. Red Face. The game’s atmosphere is charged with a foreboding tension, amplified by the eerie silence of the night and the occasional whispers of danger. The visual and audio elements are finely tuned to create an immersive experience that keeps players on edge. With each interaction, the story of Mr. Red Face unfolds, revealing a tale that challenges the notions of traditional parental tales and explores the themes of fear and protection in family dynamics.